Stay up-to-date with all of the College's latest news and events. 


Happy birthday to much loved OC Lesley Falloon OAM (Keipert 1937) who turns 100 this Saturday.

Lesley has been a trailblazer for women all her life; as one of the first residents of Melbourne University's Womens' College; a pioneering female biochemist and Mayor of Sandringham for which she received her OAM.

Tim Wilson MP acknowledged her lifelong contribution in Parliament this week. PLC wishes her many happy returns!


Congratulations to Old Collegians Samantha Christie (1985) and Dr Christine Muttiah (2005) who were both recently awarded Lamont Scholarships.

These scholarships are awarded annually to Old Collegians to assist with the continuation of their tertiary studies, either in Australia or overseas. 

Samantha completed a law degree up on leaving PLC and has now commenced further studies to update her skills.


We invite you to explore our College through our immersive online School Tour Experience.

Gain insights into our school through a video welcome from our Principal discussing life at PLC, 360 degree tours of key areas of the campus and extensive online resources to help you decide if PLC is the right school for your family.

Launch PLC's Virtual Tour


Congratulations to the following Old Collegians and community members who received awards in yesterday's Queen's Birthday Honours.

Lynette George (Byrne 1977) OAM for service to engineering and manufacturing

Isabella Edgoose (Coppock 1956) OAM for service to the community and education

Ms Barbara Green AM (former member of College Council and Principal of St Hilda’s College, University of Melbourne) for service to tertiary education. 


Welcome back to PLC to all our students and staff who are returning today! We have missed you and everyone has been working very hard to prepare so that you can enjoy a safe and beautiful learning environment.

We are proud of the positive way you have embraced distance-learning and know that you are going to really enjoy being with your friends and seeing your teachers again.

A special thanks to all those who have supported you so well through the challenging past weeks.


For PLC's Term 2 Activity Day, our Social Action Committee is asking girls to raise funds through their House in support of the work the following aid agencies are doing for communities impacted by the COVID-19 Coronavirus.

The Houses are supporting:
(Atholl)- UNICEF child response
(Balmoral) - Smith Family
(Glamis) - Action Aid
(Leven) - Beyond Blue
(Rosslyn) - Red Cross
(Stirling) - Foodbank

We are really excited to launch SUPER CYBER SOCIAL ACTION!


Our thanks to Old Collegians Dr Mabel Yan (2011), Maddy Costello (2005), Dr Alison Chong (2008), Amy Nhan (2006) and Dr Fiona Bateman (2000) who shared their inspiring study and work journeys with Year 11 and 12 in May.

Their encouraging advice across a range of careers, medicine, teaching, employment law and veterinary science was really appreciated and highly informative. 

They accepted the extra challenge this year of presenting in video format which was then livestreamed to students through Wyse.  


Our Music Captain Jody as well as Hannah, Tiffany and Claire, recently produced this ZOOM session of Waltzing Matilda For A String Quartet.

They hope you enjoy their performance!


Our Art Captain suggests that during this period of distance learning we all "be creative with what you have, art is all about creativity and imagination". Enjoy the video!


Our Christian Union (CU) Captains wanted to share this video and message.  

"In this unprecedented time, the Lord is with us. Although quarantine has changed many things around us, God is still faithful, good, and gracious! With all this free time we have, why not open up your bible and find peace in Him?

Our prayers are always with you! Isabella and Isabel."


At the end of another week of distance learning, Annabel our Drama Captain suggests getting in touch with your more ‘creative side’ to help brighten your weekend!


Nobody gets as excited as puppies going for a walk, right?

Our Sports Captain's dogs normally spend long hours at home and help show us how we can stay active whilst school is online.

Hopefully this video inspires everyone to get up, stretch and move in between classes and stay active. It will help make you feel healthier and happier!