Stay up-to-date with all of the College's latest news and events. 


As of Friday 5 November, we are excited to welcome visitors back on campus. To keep our students and staff safe and healthy, everyone attending the College campus must be fully vaccinated and provide evidence of their vaccination status. 


On the 12th of October, a team of 12 PLC girls competed in the secondary girls’ interschool state finals. There was fierce competition with many tough battles fought, and the final scores for the tournament were extremely close.

Prior to this tournament the team had exchanged theory and practised together at Chess Club, analysing various positions and learning from our mistakes. The girls also played in a series of open interschool tournaments, which provided strong competition for additional practice.


It may not have been held in the usual way due to COVID, but our girls were still able to compete in the Schoolaerobics National Championships over the weekend and they brought home the medals! A huge congratulations to Gold Medalists: Tara, Samantha and Elyse and also to Alexandria in Year 7 who won bronze!


We were delighted to host PLC Old Collegian Leanne Hall (1996) at our recent online Literature Festival.

 @lilymandarin spoke openly about overcaming barriers to become an award-winning writer for children and young adults at a time when there were few role-models from Asian-Australian backgrounds.

 Students also heard from Jane Godwin, Thomas Mayor and Evelyn Araluen who explored Indigenous and multi-cultural themes in their works.


Check out this fantastic podcast with Chris Potts and OC Lisa Teh (2001) as she discusses her journey from school and how she was influenced to spend a decade studying and working in law instead of following her creative passion.

Lisa shares how she turned that new-found passion into a strong and influential career.

Listen here 

Read more about Lisa here:


You may have recently heard of Dr Sam Blake, a young Australian Mathematician who decrypted a secret code that had baffled police investigators and mathematicians for over 50 years. As part of Maths Week 2021, PLC was lucky to have Sam present his amazing work to our students. 


We are very proud to share with the College community that our Captains for 2022 are Cassie (School Captain) and Phoebe (Vice Captain).

We congratulate both girls and wish them all the very best as they look towards their roles in 2022 and their work in guiding the leadership team and the entire Senior School cohort.


Congratulations to Zara and Lianne who have been recognised with a Premier’s VCE Award for their outstanding academic results in 2020.

Zara received her award for Biology and Lianne for Literature.

The Premier’s VCE Awards recognise the top-performing students in the state and 297 students were recognised this year. 


Well done Grace!


OC Annie Smithers (1983), the acclaimed chef, writer and restaurateur is launching her latest book "Recipe for a Kinder Life" in August.

She is a pioneer of the paddock-to-plate philosophy and at her much-loved restaurant "du Fermier" in Trentham, she serves French provincial-style, seasonal food, much of it harvested that day from her garden and local meats and poultry.

She is a regular contributor to "BluePrint For Living" on ABC Radio National where she discusses the rudimentary skills necessary for good home cooking.


The Jerusalema Dance Challenge - Accepted! video is a PLC dance production choreographed by students in celebration of International Week in May 2021.

 Every girl in the Senior School participated in this uniquely celebratory event!   


Tickets for The Tempest are now on sale!

Book here