Careers Showcase Event

This week, we hosted an insightful Careers Showcase event, designed to bridge the gap between educational experience and professional realities. It was wonderful to welcome back six of our inspirational alumni, who shared their diverse and fascinating career journeys with our Senior School students. Anne Renwick (1997) started her career in accounting then upskilled to become a Talent Director in professional services, showcasing the importance of adaptability and continuous learning. Bonnie Liu (2012), driven by her love for aviation and hospitality, pursued her dream career and now thrives as a Customer Service Supervisor at Qantas. Elizabeth Ho (2017) was initially passionate about veterinary science, then discovered her strength in the most sought-after soft skills and now excels as an EA to the founders of the events business, Nudo. Genevieve Bevan-John (2002) is a trailblazer in the male-dominated field of special effects and pyrotechnics. Genevieve has worked on many international blockbuster movies, highlighting the power of perseverance and breaking barriers. Jacqui Loustau (1996) specialises in cybersecurity and is passionate about driving innovation and behavioural change in this burgeoning industry. She is a strong advocate for encouraging more women to enter this fascinating field which offers many growth opportunities. Hannah Joyce (2015) recently completed an internship at the Australian Embassy in Berlin. She graduated with a Juris Doctor and has begun her career as a Judge's Associate. It was an honour to welcome these successful alumni whose journeys resonated deeply with the students. Their messages were strong and encouraging; Believe in Yourself, Be a Life-long Learner, Be Prepared to Pivot and Forge Your Own Path. We are incredibly grateful for their generosity in sharing their time and experiences.